Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I thought this was pretty neat but I really really really hate the fence in the corner... It seems so ugly...

Edit: this is for landscape.

For close up. I know it's grainy but I liked the effect so I decided that I wasn't going to retake it... Can't you tell I like black and white too??

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Another random photo!! Just in case anyone is wondering it was raining and I took this when the sun came out...

Another of my rare color photographs!! Submitting this one for color as well.

Something that's acutally in color!! Yeay!! It's going to go up for color because it is one of my rare color photographs.

Because I'm lame and I have too many black and white photos for my own good I'm submitting this one for color for now...

This is comfort because I really don't know what else to do. It was at a family dinner thing and was more of an accident but it turned out better than most of the photos I take anyways so why not?

This is for color... the markers just seem incredibly bright and it works, even if I'm not especially fond of the picture itself.
Random photo!! yeay!!

This was for photography class and is my texture piece.

I actually feel that I could crop it a little a little on the right to get rid of whatever the white corner goes to or try and darken that box. It's the lightest thing there. That would also offset the plate a little further from the center, which I would personally prefer. I never like a subject to be dead center in a picture.